Grids and Patterns


Welcome back!

This week's blog post is about grids and patterns!

This first photo depicts my younger sister looking out of our patio window at our small apartment in Hawaii. This image is rather dark, but displays a glimpse of what downtown Honolulu looks like. The viewer can see multiple grids - from the railing to the architecture seen in the background. According to Lupton and Phillips a grid "can work quietly in the background, or it can assert itself as an active element" (Lupton and Phillips, 187). I argue that grids are serving both functions in this photo. For my little sister, a grid is asserting itself as an active element because her viewpoint of the Ala Wai Canal is manipulated by the grid created by the railing. In addition, the viewer can see grids working quietly in the background from the tall condo buildings. Consistent columns create an underlying structure and makes the layout process more efficient. 

Being that my project is on the topic of anything that reminds me of home, Hawaii, or just mindfulness in general, the second photo is an example of a hobby I started as a form of relaxation. This is a page out of my "Paint By Sticker" book where you place individual stickers of different shapes, colors, and sizes to create a magical new art form. Each template is divided into dozens of spaces, each with a number that corresponds to a particular sticker. Lupton and Phillips explain that "in every instance, patterns follow some repetitive principle, whether dictated by a mechanical grid, a digital algorithm, or the physical rhythm of a crafts - person's tool as it works along a surface" (Lupton and Phillips, 203). The repeated elements of the stickers with similar colors creates this mosaic pattern. One can see that the many different small pieces put together portray this beautiful blue butterfly landing on a bright red flower. Beauty in nature reminds me of Hawaii and brings me peace.

Hoped you enjoyed viewing!

With love, 

Ashley <3


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