Nostalgia and the Present Moment


Welcome to blog post #3!

When I was younger, I used to grab a box of old photos to take a trip down memory lane and relive past experiences, but now Snapchat and Facebook do that for me. Whether it's grainy filters or automatically generated On This Day photos, media has changed the way I engage with nostalgia. With social media at our fingertips, and the platforms delivering nostalgia, most of us engage with it without intent.

Nostalgia is a unique feeling and one that is quite common. To me, nostalgia is a wistful affection for the past and remembering something with fondness. Both of these images capture moments of me when I was younger at the beach. The smell of the ocean and the feeling of sand on my feet stir up emotions of relaxation and remind me of home. In The Social Photo on Photography and Social Media, Nathan Jurgenson mentions that nostalgia "looks toward what once was, not toward what could be. It promotes calm over change and solid stillness over fluid movement" (Jurgenson 2019, 26). Capturing moments on camera allows us to focus on the pure joy of life, both when looking to our past and our future.

I hoped you enjoyed reading (:

With lots of love, 
Ashley <3


  1. Good point with the randomly generated "on this day" or even the snapchat memories! Such cute pics also!


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