Framing and Hierarchy...Imposing Order

Hey all! Welcome to blog post #4! For this week, I played with framing and hierarchy to bring focus in different ways. With these two photos, I experimented with cropping in an unexpected manner. According to Lupton and Phillips, "by closing in on a detail, cropping can change the focus of a picture, giving it new meaning and emphasis" (Lupton and Phillips, 119). The first photo is the original photo portraying the hidden moon behind the vast sky with fluffy clouds and part of a tree on the lower right hand corner. I used my phone and played with cropping by zooming in on the tree, bringing focus to it and "giving it new meaning." In the second photo, the viewer's perspective is more limited as the photograph portrays only the top part of the tree. One thing that reminded me of back home in Hawaii were Acai bowls. This week I took a trip to satisfy my craving and played...