The Insecurity of Photographic "Truth"
Hey readers! Welcome to blog post #9! Thank you for making it this far! This week I will be discussing photographic truth and the many ways we manipulate different aspects of our social media to hide our insecurities. Spending lots of time on social media can lead to feeling disconnected from and unsatisfied by the real world. Many people only show their best highlights on social media - the dates, trips, or even their new purchases. The mundane details of life are rarely shown, but you know they exist. While sharing accomplishments and updates isn't wrong, it can be taken to an extreme. People may begin to put a filter over every aspect of their lives to make things seem better than they really are. Between filters and the constant highlight reel we see on social media, we can feel like our lives don't measure up to the excitement of everyone else's. In turn, we may feel the desire to portray our own experiences as more exciting than they really are. We may manipulate the...